Monday 15th July 2024
7pm West Sandwick Hall

1) Attendees/Visitors
2) Apologies
3) Declarations of Interest-
4) Minutes - YCC monthly meeting 17th June 2024
5) Matters arising
6) Police Report
7) Outstanding business:
1. Transport -Ferries update
Meeting with Sellaness and Moraig Lyall
2. Road’s update
Burravoe Active Travel Infrastructure
3. Statkraft Wind Farm Developments Community Benefit
4. Net Zero Carbon Neutral Island (Yell) Project Update
5. Fixed Links - Tunnel Action Group Update
6. CHSC in Yell
Update on GP Recruitment in Yell
7. Local Place Plans – Attendance and Update
8. Arven Offshore Wind Farm Scoping Consultation

8) New Business
1. SIC Calls for views on Lerwick Alcohol Bylaws
2. Vodafone Network Developments
3. DRAFT Winter Maintenance Review 24
9) Planning Applications/ Marine Planning
10) Finance / Grants
1. Viking Community Fund CGS - MoU and Data Sharing Document
2. SCBF - Nomination of Director
11) Any other Business